Heart Opening Meditation Practice

Mantra: “I open my heart to all of life’s experiences”

In the busy-ness of life sometimes it’s easy to forget to consciously cultivate an open heart ✨💜

The heart space is the doorway between this world and the Spirit world. If you’re wanting to strengthen your connection between yourself and a loved one in the spirit world, or to receive messages from one of your spirit guides then give the below exercise a go! :)

1. Create a quiet space where you can comfortably sit for a few minutes. Make sure this is a space you won’t be disturbed by phones, animals or other people (you may wish to set a timer for 5 or 10 minutes so that you can fully surrender to the meditation and know you’ll be called back when the time is right)

2. Create a sankalpa, otherwise known as a goal or intention created by the heart and supported by the mind. This could be as simple as “to connect to Spirit” or “to open my heart and see what Spirit wants me to know”

3. Close or soften your eyes and take three deep inbreathes and three deep exhalations, then allow your breath to settle into a nourishing rhythm

4. Allow your conscious awareness to sink deeply into your being, ideally into your heart space.

5. Allow your conscious mind just to rest and observe the space of your heart, allowing whatever needs to flow to the surface to arise and fall away. Remain here for up to 10 minutes and then return your awareness back to the room.

I would love to hear of your experience trying this practice. If you would like to share send me an email at hello@haydencroswellermedium.com or reach out via socials✨


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